There's a lot that's misunderstood about the feet and what's best for them. Shoe manufacturers have shifted to more support and also more specific support to correct your imbalances. That's helpful in a way, but your body was designed to support itself and if it's "fixed" by a shoe instead of by your body, then you're not really getting to the root of the problem. That will keep you spending more money in the long run instead of working with your body and listening when it sends a signal of pain that something's not working the way it should.
Most of us have rolled an ankle once or twice and had to limp around for a couple of days being careful not to induce any more pain than we're already experiencing. In this month's video blog, I share ways that we're weakening our ankles, an exercise to combat that, and what to do in the moment if you sprain your ankle.
My work is all about finding the connections in the body. It's an easy way to get to the root of whatever issues or pain we have. This month's video blog is about just that.
I know you have all heard that your pelvic floor muscles are important, but do you know why? These muscles support your organs, give you control over bladder and bowel, help support the spine, and are important to sexual function. Did you also know that both men and women have a pelvic floor? There has been a lot of talk about why women need to strengthen their pelvic floor during pregnancy and such, but men have these same muscles! Sign up for the workshop to learn more!