Before watching this video, there are a couple of points I want you to understand.

  1. Use your breath. Breathing through your belly is the quickest way to calm your nervous system down. Each inhale inflates the belly and each exhale relaxes the belly. You can put your hands over your belly to bring your awareness there if this type of breathing is hard to access at first.

  2. Slow and steady wins the race. Think of your nervous system as something you want to be careful with. Gentle is the way to go. You should be able to breathe easily through every movement. If you can’t, back off or don’t work through that part of the spine.

  3. More isn’t always better. Having more intensity before the body is ready to receive it will set alarm bells off in your system and will do the opposite of calm things down. Your body has built in mechanisms to brace itself and avoid injury if something doesn’t feel safe.

  4. If something doesn’t feel right, stop. I’m not there with you and if you are unsure of what might be going on, stop and check in with me. There is no need to push anything and it’s better to back off to get more understanding than to keep going and hurt yourself.

  5. If you have any issue with your spine I would not recommend this video and suggest you work with a trained professional.