

  • TMJD

  • Neck Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Scoliosis

  • Anxiety

  • Stenosis

  • Pain From Running

  • Stress

  • Compensation Patterns

  • Feeling stuck

  • Pain From Previous Unhealed Injuries

  • Difference In Leg Length

  • Trauma held in the body

  • Difficulty connecting with others

  • Sports Injuries

  • Plantar Fascitis

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Ankle Sprain

  • Rotator Cuff Tear

  • Tendinitis

  • Hip Pain

  • Back Pain

  • Knee Pain

  • Herniated Discs

  • Bulging Discs

  • Pelvic Floor Issues

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Limited Range Of Motion

  • Whiplash



Throughout life we form patterns to compensate for injuries and our bodies retain these patterns if they’re not released. Same goes for trauma. Unlike animals, our brains override our natural trauma response and our body then stores unprocessed emotions in our fascia until we’re ready to process through them. This is a way our body protect us, so we can move away from harm/pain.

Once we’re safe, we have the capacity to do that work of releasing these holding patterns. I don’t pretend that this work is easy but I have seen the resilience that we humans have time and again.

There are so many ways to take our power back and choose a different path. Sometimes we need a little support and a reminder to get there which is where I come in. These treatments include postural assessment, exercises, hands on release, and talking to bring your body back into optimal alignment.


Often it’s a challenge to know when we’re holding onto things that are getting in the way of us feeling better in our bodies. We get used to our everyday aches and pains and forget that with the support of a trusted professional we can tap into more ease.

This 60 minute session combines cupping, stretching to mobilize, diaphragm release and opening footwork to aid in your process of letting go. The blend of these techniques moves what is stagnant in your system so that you can begin to release what you’re holding onto and find the freedom that is available to you. In order to move the cups on your skin, oil is necessary, so please plan accordingly. 


Life can be stressful and with so many things on our plate, we can easily become overwhelmed and need to hit the reset button. The more I work with people, the more I see how we all need support to calm down, rest, and digest. When cortisol floods our system as a stress response, it becomes harder for the body to rebuild and take care of itself. We can have trouble sleeping, experience hair loss, difficulty taking off unnecessary weight, hormonal disturbances, or digestive issues when our system is out of whack. 

This treatment includes sacral balancing to ground your system and prepare you to relax, spine manipulation, along with head and foot work to lull you into a nap. You can expect to have an hour to shut your brain off, let go of your stresses, and leave feeling peaceful and calm.


This modality originates from Chinese Medicine as a way to move stagnation. In that, it stimulates lymphatic fluid, reduces inflammation and pain, can break up adhesions/knots and release restrictions in the fascia. A cup with suction is placed on the skin and either stays in place or can be moved. Blood comes to the area in response to the suction which is beneficial because blood is healing.

Moving cups tend to bruise less than stagnant ones. Bruising tends to go away in 3-10 days. The great thing about cupping is you feel the benefits after 5-10 minutes of application. There are situations where cupping is not recommended/contraindicated. Pregnancy, over acute injuries/infections, when your system is already inflamed, when anemic or on blood thinners, over varicosities.    


Yin Yoga is a great tool to connect with your body & be present in the moment. The physical practice of yoga or asana is one of 8 limbs of yoga. Yin uses props so you’re able to rest in poses comfortably on the floor for a gentle, meditative opening. I include hands-on adjustments to give your body the feedback and support it needs to release whatever tension it’s ready to. This style allows me to show you how to access your physical, emotional and energetic self so that you can feel more spacious and free in your body.  We use physical postures in combination with the breath to find length in areas that experience tightness or restrictions.

Yoga works beautifully in conjunction with Alignment Therapy to re-pattern muscles and bring the body towards its optimal alignment.


Swedish Massage allows the body to relax by tapping into the parasympathetic nervous system. When the body is able to rest and decompress, stress levels lower and muscles release their state of tension.

I offer Myofascial Release, Shiatsu, Thai and Swedish massage. Usually I combine all modalities to tailor the session to the client on that specific day. Each body is different and things can shift from day to day, so I work with what presents itself in a holistic way.


Thai Massage is basically the lazy person's yoga.  The client is on a mat on the floor and the therapist works through the sen lines or energetic pathways to open the body, release tension, and lengthen the muscles.  You feel light, open, and relaxed after a session.  Thai Massage is amazing on it's own and incredible as an add on after a yoga class!  


60 minutes  $225.00

90 minutes $337.00



ALIGN $1412



TUNE UP $645



Cash and credit cards accepted

I greatly appreciate when you share what I do with those who would benefit from treatment.  I offer a 10% discount on a single session to you after the person you referred to me has had their first session.