I frequently get emails from clients saying that they woke up in pain and they don't know how to get out of it. In this video blog, I share 3 of the most common situations in my practice tips to remedy them. Below are links for more information on specific exercises.
There has been a recurring theme in my office this week of stagnation and heaviness. It has been really rainy and the seasons are changing which is making people feel bogged down. When we feel mentally heavy, we also feel physically heavy and it comes through in our posture. Thankfully the sun is shining again and I'm here to shed some light on the weighted topic.
I had heard of Storm King before, but it wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I had the pleasure of taking it all in with my own eyes. A group of my girlfriends and I rented a minivan and drove north. It was the perfect sunny fall Saturday to experience nature and art on such a large scale. As far as you can see, there are fields, trees, hills, and a pond; absolute perfection!
When your body is in a static position for 49 minutes or less, it takes 20 minutes of movement therapy (yoga, bodywork, exercise, etc.) to release that pattern. If it is in a static position for 50 minutes or more, it takes 3-4 hours of opposite action or movement therapy to release that pattern.
The way you sleep effects your patterns, your posture, and your pain. If you could sleep in a way that would allow your body to rest and let go of the stresses of your day in a therapeutic way, would you do it?
Back in June I was talking to some family friends that mentioned they get cramps in their lower legs. This is an issue that I know plagues a lot of people and it wakes them up in the night. Nobody needs an interruption in their beauty sleep, so I am here to give you all the info you need to know about why you can get a cramp and how to stop it with diet and movement.
I know you have all heard that your pelvic floor muscles are important, but do you know why? These muscles support your organs, give you control over bladder and bowel, help support the spine, and are important to sexual function. Did you also know that both men and women have a pelvic floor? There has been a lot of talk about why women need to strengthen their pelvic floor during pregnancy and such, but men have these same muscles! Sign up for the workshop to learn more!
Do you have a job where you sit at a desk for 8 hours a day? Most people don't know that their body was not designed to sit for long periods of time.
When the body is in a position for 49 minutes or less, it takes 20 minutes of movement therapy (yoga, bodywork, exercise, etc.) to release that pattern. If it is in a static position for 50 minutes or more, it takes three to four hours of opposite action or movement therapy to release that pattern.
Last week, my husband and I rescued a 1 year old puppy from a shelter in Long Island. Her name is Luna and she is very friendly. Luna is my first dog, so I have been doing a lot of reading on how to teach her things and what she needs.