That is quite possibly my husband's favorite holiday song and boy does it hold true for the weather that has been keeping us outside as little as possible this past week! When I stepped out of my apartment this morning, I almost got taken out by the wind!
Have you ever worked very diligently on something and seen the results in more places than the main goal? Take for instance changing the way you eat in order to lose weight. You have a goal to wear a smaller size. Along the way to that goal, you notice that not only are you looking better, but you are also feeling better too! I had a similar experience to the work I have been doing and it's simply amazing!
While riding the subway the other day on yet another delayed train, my attention was drawn to the feet of the woman standing in front of me. Her toes were white from gripping the floor. At first, I thought it was because she was in heels, but when I looked at the toes of her friend in flats and saw that they were also white, I knew that it wasn't from the shoes.
I decided to join Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Meditation Challenge after my acupuncturist suggested that it would be a nice way to ease into meditation. I have recently had lots of conversations with friends about this subject, and their responses were the same as mine at first.
I went for a run the other day in this beautiful weather we are having. On my cool down, I watched the other runners intently and became very aware of their patterns.
There is something I want to share with you that has been coming up a lot in my practice in the past couple of months. A client will come to a session and tell me what has been going on in their body. Once we start to work, we will get to a place that needs attention and the client will say, "I didn't know how messed up I was until you touched that spot!"
The word change has been on my mind a lot lately. What changes and what stays the same? Change makes things exciting and different and new. Change is the process of becoming different as said by Wikipedia. Is change difficult or simple?
I'm sure you have read about the benefits of unplugging, but have you ever tried it? I have attempted before on my travels to Costa Rica & Nicaragua, but somehow I have been pulled back into this world of constant connection.