Summer is a time when your feet take a beating so I'm sharing a footwork series with you to give some love to your feet. Our feet support our whole body and how do we thank them? By shoving them into shoes, walking fast to catch the train, and stomping down on the ground instead of kissing the earth with each step as a meditation.
Good posture helps in every aspect of life. Here are 2 quick tips that will help with your golf swing.
The 3:00 slump is something that affects almost all of us. You've been at your desk for a while, that piece of chocolate in your drawer you ate as a treat felt like a boost but now your sleepy. Your shoulders and upper back hurt and your head is forward.
Sound like you?
I was working at the community table at my local coffee shop the other day and a group of moms sat down next to me to have some girl talk. One mentioned that she has pain in her right hip.
"It's been going on for a while and no matter how much I stretch it, it never goes away! I'm so frustrated. I've gotten massage and I go to yoga 3 times a week...what gives?"
If you have discomfort during or after working out, it's possible that your body is out of alignment. When this happens, it allows the muscles on the right side of your body to work differently to the muscles on the left. It also brings you closer to injury and nobody wants that! Here's a video with 3 exercises to get your lower body back into alignment.
Do you sit at a computer all day with your shoulders forward only to leave the office with pain in your back and shoulders? In this video, I explain where the pain is actually coming from and why you get it. Below are links to the TED talk and my workshop.
January is typically the time when a lot of people are ready to get back in shape. It's a fresh start, a new year, and the heavy holidays have passed. In all this excitement, we usually think we're invincible and our body's going to handle eating clean and working out 5 days a week after some time of consuming naughty foods and laying around much more than usual.
Here's some helpful info about migraines and their triggers. If you have anything that helps you, I would love it if you would leave a comment to share your experience or helpful information with the other viewers.